CFI.co utnämner Novus till Europas mest innovativa undersökningsteam
Tidningen CFI.co har precis publicerat utmärkelsen om Europas mest innovativa undersökningsteam, och vinnaren är Novus.
Det är mycket glädjande att få denna utmärkelse. Det är ett kvitto på det hårda arbete alla på Novus gör, men också att man ser vad verklig innovation är. För innovation i undersökningsbranschen är inte IT produkter utan att faktiskt gå tillbaka till kärnan i undersökningsföretagens affär, och utifrån det erbjuda ett faktiskt mervärde till våra kunder.
”Det är lätt att förblindas av appar och internet som ett självändamål. Men vi på Novus har insett att det är kunskapen som våra kunder efterfrågar inte ett verktyg. Verktyg finns det överallt, men kunskap och förståelse är en bristvara.” – Torbjörn Sjöström VD Novus
CFI.co motivering till priset:
The CFI.co judges have conferred on Novus Group International its Most Innovative Market Research Team Europe 2017 Award. Highlights of the judging panel’s findings include:
- Novus Group International helps businesses rediscover their raison d’être – essentially, returning to the source and plugging into markets that may have changed.
- Much more than a traditional market research company, Novus Group takes a holistic approach to market research.
- Since its foundation, just ten years ago, Novus Group has become one of Sweden’s leading market researchers and the go-to place for mission-critical assignments.
The judging panel’s full report:
Novus Group International: Most Innovative Market Research Team Europe 2017
Know-your-customer and know-your-market are essential to any business aiming for lasting success. The task is, however, easier said than done – let alone accomplished. Providing focused knowledge – instead of just data – Novus Group International helps businesses rediscover their raison d’être – essentially, returning to the source and plugging into markets that may have changed.
Whilst the concept is disarmingly simple, the Swedish company found that few businesses are actually taking the obvious route to improved performance and oftentimes fail to grasp the importance, and the power, of new media – or miss the point. Digitalisation may have moved the goalposts, Novus Group sees this development as a move towards the individualisation of the marketplace – requiring businesses to respond with bespoke offerings to serve a customer universe divided into smaller niches.
Much more than a traditional market research company, Novus Group takes a holistic approach to market research that includes paths towards thought leadership and confidence building. Businesses are encouraged to accept challenges to their dominance or presence as a way to ensure sustainability. Eschewing the bandwagon mentality, Novus Group questions, probes, and evaluates new technologies in order to determine their suitability and use.
Since its foundation, just ten years ago, Novus Group has become one of Sweden’s leading market researchers and the go-to place for mission-critical assignments. The CFI.co judging panel find Novus group’s highly innovative approach most refreshing and declares the company winner of the 2017 Most Innovative Market Research Team Europe Award.
For further information, please contact:
Mr Wim Romeijn
Editor CFI.co
Tel +44 (0)203 137 3679
Email: wro@cfi.co
About Novus Group International
Novus Group International AB does market research and opinion polling as well as society, value, and lifestyle surveying.
Novus’ mission is to renew the market research industry nationally and internationally by adapting and commercialising new technologies.
Thus, Novus can offer its clients market research and polling solutions that are cost efficient, swift, and precise. Novus is currently present on the Swedish market and part of Nordic Research Alliance which includes Finland, Norway, and Denmark.
About CFI.co
CFI.co is a print journal and online resource reporting on business, economics, and finance. The journal recognises that the traditional distinction between emerging and developed markets is now far less meaningful as world economies converge. Headquartered in London, the world’s most multicultural city, CFI.co covers and analyses the drivers behind that change. Combining the views of leading multilateral and national organisations with thought leadership from some of the world’s top minds – CFI.co’s dedicated editorial team ensures that readers better understand the forces influencing and reshaping the global economy.
About the CFI.co Awards Programme
Each year, CFI.co seeks out individuals and organisations that contribute significantly to the convergence of economies and truly add value for all stakeholders. Reporting from frontlines of economies on the move, CFI.co realises that best practice is to be found throughout the world. The Awards Programme aims to identify and reward excellence wherever it is found. The programme aims to inspire others to further improve their own performance.
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Telephone: +44 (0)203 137 3679 Fax: +44 (0)203 137 5872 E-mail: contact@cfi.co URL: www.cfi.co |
Novus Group International
Sveavägen 59 11359 Stockholm Sweden
Telephone: +46 8 5352 5820 Fax: +46 8 5352 5829 E-mail: info@novus.se URL: www.novus.se |